Detre Jakobsen

Johan Hartvig Detre Jacobsen


Johan Hartvig Detre Jacobsen (f. 1867) var bror til Jenny Aagot Katrine Jacobsen. Johan Hartvig slo seg ned i Sør-Afrika med sin familie.


Johan Hartvig and Jenny Aagot were both born and grew up in their home called «Elverheim» in Østre Halsen (pictures below; historical map of Østre Halsen here). Their father, Jacob Christian Jacobsen, bought this house in 1862. Jenny Aagot was born in 1865 and Johan Hartvig in 1867. They went to school in this area. When Johan Hartvig left Norway the first time is not known.
Johan Hartvig met Ellen Sweeney (from Ireland) in Australia. They got four kids when they stayed in Australia. Johan Hartvig and Ellen Sweeney returned to Norway in 1896, and got two more kids in Norway. The kids were; Daniel (b. 1891), Elizabeth Marie (b. 1892), Ellie Josephine (b. 1893), Johan Hartvig (b. 1896?), Otilia (‘Tillie’, b. 1897) og Jacob Christian (‘Pippin’, b. 1904).  Their eldest son, Johan Daniel (b. 1891) died of blood poisoning and was buried in Tjølling 20 October 1896. Otilie was born in Norway in 1897 and Jacob in 1904. In 1898 Johan Hartvig bought the house «Mellemheimen» (see historical map of Østre Halsen here), which they owned until 1903. One may wonder if they bought this house because they planned to settle in Norway. But unfortunately the house was destroyed in a fire in 1902. Maybe the fire influenced their choice to emigrate to South Africa.
Kart over Østre Halsen (Larvik øst). Trykk for å zoome inn
After Johan Hartvig sold the house «Mellemheim» in 1903, he left Norway August 25th 1903 for South Africa. He travelled alone. From emigration documents:
The remaining family members stayed behind, and lived in Undersbo, Larvik. They left Norway almost 3 years after Johan Hartvig, at May 23rd 1906.

Some of the kids obviously went to school in Norway, and learned to speak Norwegian. Where on Undersbo did they live? Gusta Marie Thorsen lived in Undersbo (Helgesens gate 7) at that time, with three kids (teenagers). Maybe they rented rooms at her house.

Johan Hartvig Detre Jacobsen, hans kone Ellie og barna Daniel (som døde da han var 5 år), Elizabeth Marie (senere gift Hicks) og Ellie Josephine (senere Aagaard-Jensen). Bildet er sannsynligvis tatt i Australia i 1895.



Ellen Sweeney med barna Jacob («Pippin») på fanget, Otilie, Ellie, Johan Hartvig og Elizabeth Marie. Dette bildet må være tatt i Norge, da Jacob ble født i 1904 og Ellen og barna først reiste til Sør-Afrika i 1906 (bilde fra Noelle Parr).

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Anetavle for Johan Detre Jacobsen (slektsgransking utført av Hans Andersen)

Søsknene Jacob (‘Pippin’) og Ellie

Elizabeth Marie

Inez and Dick (son of Elizabeth Marie) Hicks in Norway in 1975; Inez and Eilif Andersen (left), and Dick, Inez, Ingjerd og William (right)

From left: Nancy (daughter of Elizabeth Marie Hicks; cf. the family tree above),
Sandra and Robin (Nancy’s daughters). In the second row:
Brian (Robin’s husband) and Malcolm (Robin’s son).

Robin and Brian at Pulpit Rock in Norway 2008.

Ellie Josephine

Ellie Josephine Aagaard Jensen (daughter of Johan Hartvig Detre Jakobsen; cf. the family tree above) in Norway on our National Day, May 17. Here together with Anna and Eilif Andersen and their daughters Jenny and Ingjerd.

Ellie and Inger Reidun (born Fjeldskaar) outside Ellie’s house in Herning, Denmark

Interview with Ellie at her 100th birthday; English translation here. Trykk for større bilde.


Johan Hartvig Detre

From the wedding (?) of Johan Hartvig Detre and Mary Morrison in 1927.

Annella and John, children of Johan Hartvig Detre, and grandchildren of Johan Hartvig Detre Jakobsen

John and his wife Shirley, with their children Gavin, Annette and Clive




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